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preevy urls

Show urls for an existing environment

preevy urls [SERVICE] [PORT]

Show urls for an existing environment

$ preevy urls [SERVICE] [PORT] (--access-credentials-type api|browser --include-access-credentials)
[--json] [-D] [-f <value>] [--system-compose-file <value>] [--project-directory <value>] [-p <value>]
[--enable-plugin <value>] [--disable-plugin <value>] [--profile <value>] [--id <value>] [-t <value>] [--tls-hostname
<value>] [--insecure-skip-verify] [--columns <value> | -x] [--filter <value>] [--no-header | [--csv |
--no-truncate]] [--output csv|json|yaml | | ] [--sort <value>] [--show-preevy-service-] [--output--to <value>]
[--fetch-urls-timeout <value>] [--wait]

SERVICE Service name. If not specified, will show all services
PORT Service port. If not specified, will show all ports for the specified service

-t, --tunnel-url=<value> [default: ssh+tls://] Tunnel url, specify ssh://hostname[:port]
or ssh+tls://hostname[:port]
--access-credentials-type=<option> (required) [default: browser] Access credentials type
<options: api|browser>
--fetch-urls-timeout=<value> [default: 2500] Timeout for fetching URLs request in milliseconds
--id=<value> Environment id
--include-access-credentials Include access credentials for basic auth for each service URL
--insecure-skip-verify Skip TLS or SSH certificate verification
--output-urls-to=<value> Output URLs to file
--profile=<value> Run in a specific profile context (either an alias or a URL)
--project-directory=<value> Alternate working directory (default: the path of the first specified Compose
--show-preevy-service-urls Show URLs for internal Preevy services
--tls-hostname=<value> Override TLS server name when tunneling via HTTPS
--[no-]wait Wait for all tunnels to be ready

-D, --debug Enable debug logging
-f, --file=<value>... [default: ] Compose configuration file
-p, --project=<value> Project name. Defaults to the Compose project name
--disable-plugin=<value>... Disable plugin with specified package name
--enable-plugin=<value>... [default: @preevy/plugin-github] Enable plugin with specified package name
--json Format output as json.
--system-compose-file=<value>... [default: ] Add extra Compose configuration file without overriding the defaults

-x, --extended show extra columns
--columns=<value> only show provided columns (comma-separated)
--csv output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]
--filter=<value> filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo
--no-header hide table header from output
--no-truncate do not truncate output to fit screen
--output=<option> output in a more machine friendly format
<options: csv|json|yaml>
--sort=<value> property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

Show urls for an existing environment

--id=<value> Environment id

Affects created URLs
If not specified, will detect from the current Git context

See code: src/commands/urls.ts