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FAQ - Preevy CLI

General questions about using the Preevy CLI

Is the Preevy CLI free to use?

Yes, the Preevy CLI is free to use.

Is the Preevy CLI open source?

Yes, the Preevy CLI is open source. You can find the source code on Github.

Which frameworks and languages does the Preevy CLI support?

The Preevy CLI is language and framework agnostic. It works with anything that runs in a Docker container.

What security features does the Preevy CLI offer?

The Preevy CLI uses a secure SSH tunnel to expose your local development environment using Livecycle's tunnel server, which is only accessible using HTTPS.

You can enable private URLs to restrict access to your environment.

Where do I report bugs?

You can report bugs on Github. Or you can join the Livecycle Community on Slack and report bugs there.

How do I get support for Preevy CLI?

Join the Livecycle Community on Slack to get support for Preevy CLI.

Technical questions

Can I expose only specific ports for a service?

By default, Preevy exposes all the public TCP ports of a service defined in the Compose file.

You can explicitly specify the ports to be exposed by defining a preevy.expose label on the service with the comma-separated list of port numbers to be exposed.

Labels can defined in the Compose file (compose.yaml or docker-compose.yaml) as follows:

build: ...
preevy.expose: 8000,8001
Do you have examples for setting up a CI pipeline with Preview Environments using Preevy?

Sure! Check out the following repos: